Supporting Your Child: 6-8 Years
Middle childhood – or age 6-8 – brings many changes in a child’s life. It is more important to children at this age to have independence from family. Starting school gives children greater exposure to the world and more learning opportunities. Friendships become more and more important.
Physical, social, and mental skills are developing quickly during this time. It is also a critical time for children to develop confidence, which is supported by participating in school, sports and friendships.
At this age, children’s thinking and feeling will continue to develop, but as they transition from preschool into kindergarten, their learning will be more formal and focused on academic subjects.
All children grow and develop at their own pace. If you have concerns about your child’s development, contact your health care provider.
Colorado’s Early Learning & Development Guidelines
The Early Learning & Development Guidelines offer age-specific tips and resources to support children’s physical, cognitive and social-emotional development from birth through age 8. The Guidelines include downloads and videos that describe key aspects of children’s learning and development, age 6-8 years.
Parenting Resources: 6-8 Years
All of us have “temperament” or our own personal style that is present since birth.
A child’s temperament impacts the way they approach and react to the world.
Understanding your child’s temperament can help you parent more effectively.
Developmental Milestones
Milestones refer to things a child should be able to do at each age.
As parents, it’s important to monitor our children’s development and notify your health care provider if anything concerns you.